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A/Prof Naresh Kumar

Photo of A/Prof Naresh Kumar


  • Senior Consultant, University Spine Centre, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, National University Hospital
  • Senior Consultant, National University Spine Institute, National University Health System


MBBS (AIIMS); MS Orth. (AIIMS); DNB Orth.; FRCS Ed.; FRCS (Orth & Trauma); DM (Orth Spinal Surgery) (Univ. of Nottingham)


Orthopaedic Surgery

Clinical Disciplines/Programmes:

Spine Surgery


A/Prof Naresh Kumar practiced in the University of Birmingham & New Cross Hospital in United Kingdom. He was appointed as a consultant after he finished his fellowship at Haborview Medical Centre, Seattle in 2001. He has now been established as senior consultant and successful spinal surgeon for the last twelve years with effect from February 2007.

He did his spinal fellowships at Queen's Medical Center Nottingham, UK (for degenerative spinal problems and spinal trauma); St. James Hospital, Leeds, UK (for spinal deformity correction) and at Harborview Medical Centre, Seattle USA (for cervical spine, spinal trauma & metastatic spine disease). His training has helped him to deal with the whole spectrum of spinal problems successfully. He has moved to Singapore to be a part of the University Spine Center at the National University Hospital. He has a keen interest in key-hole and minimal access surgery. He practices the whole spectrum of spinal surgery which include: degenerative conditions of the spine, spine trauma, spine tumour & spinal deformity corrections. He has developed a full spectrum of treatment of degenerative spinal conditions. His main interest is development of treatment for the cancer involvement of spinal column. He specialises in surgical and comprehensive management of secondary spread from another cancer in the body to the spine, as well as primary spine tumours He has published extensively in this field, reaching appreciable heights.

A/Prof Kumar completed his medical degree from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi in 1986 with a distinction. He completed his Master of Surgery in Orthopaedics in 1989 from the same institute and got appointed as an Associate Consultant in Orthopaedics. The burning desire to learn and excel made him move from India to the United Kingdom. He became the fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 1992. He was appointed on the registrar rotation in Leeds, upon the completion of which he became a fellow of the intercollegiate board in Orthopaedics in 1997. He was awarded the FRCS (Orthopaedics & trauma). He was then awarded a DM (Orthopaedics & Spinal Surgery) by the University of Nottingham in 2006 for his research he conducted comparing human and animal spine.

A/Prof Naresh Kumar has been trained by some eminent spinal surgeons from the United Kingdom and USA. For the six years from 2001 onwards he has been a successful consultant at Wolver Hampton in the United Kingdom and a Senior Lecturer in Orthopaedics for the University of Birmingham. He has successfully finished twelve years at National University Hospital, Singapore. He has published widely on contemporary ideas and techniques pertaining to spinal surgery.


  • Recipient of National Talent Search Scholarship during his undergraduate and postgraduate training in India. 
  • Awarded the ‘Clinical Excellence Award’ in April 2005 for development of Spinal services at New Cross Hospital, Wolver Hampton. 
  • Awarded ‘EXSA Silver Award’ in 2009, for excellent service at National University Hospital. 
  • Awarded the ‘Best Oral Presentation’ by John Kostuik at the Combined 22nd Annual Conference of the Associations of Spinal Surgeons of India and SRS meeting, held in Chennai, India from 23rd to 25th January 2009. The title of presentation was ‘Pars repair technique & rationale of treatment in adults’.
  • Awarded the ‘Faculty Teaching Award’ in 2012-13 for contribution to undergraduate & postgraduate teaching & development of teaching in National University Singapore.
  • Recipient of the ‘ISASS Kostuik Innovation Award’ 2013 for presentation of the results of the NMRC grant supported project on cell saver in metastatic spine tumour surgery. The title of the presentation is ‘Eliminating Tumour Cells from the Cell Saver (CS) in Metastatic Spine Tumour Surgery Using a Leucocyte Depletion Filter (LDF): Dispelling an Old Myth’. 
  • Recipient of ‘NCIS Clinical Poster Award’ 2014 for presentation of the NMRC grant supported project on cell saver in metastatic spine tumour surgery. Title: ‘Eliminating Tumour Cells from the Cell Saver (CS) in Metastatic Spine Tumour Surgery Using a Leucocyte Depletion Filter (LDF): Dispelling an Old Myth’. 
  • Recipient of ‘Best Clinical Poster Presentation Award’ 2015 at 42nd Annual Meeting of International Society for Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS) in San Francisco, USA, 8th – 12th Jun 2015. Title: ‘Metastatic spine tumour surgery: A comparative study of minimally invasive approach using percutaneous pedicle screws fixation versus open approach’. 
  • Recipient of ‘Best of Outside-Europe Award’ 2015 at Annual Spinal Congress (EUROSPINE) in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2nd – 4th Sep 2015. Title: ‘Flow cytometric Evaluation of Intraoperative Salvaged Blood Filtered with Leucocyte Depletion Filter in Metastatic Spine Tumour Surgery’ 
  • Recipient of ‘PASMISS 2015 Best Research Poster Award’ at 15th Pacific and Asian Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (PASMISS) in Daejeon, Korea, 12th-14th Nov 2015. Title: ‘Metastatic Spine Tumour Surgery: Minimally Invasive Versus Open Approach’. 
  • Recipient of ‘Merit Award for E-Posters 2016’ at 13th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC), National University of Singapore, Singapore, 13th-16th Jan 2016. Title: ‘Clinical Orthopaedics Examination Skills (CORES) video: Its impact on students’ learning experience and OSCE performance’. 
  • Recipient of ‘AY2014/2015 Faculty Teaching Excellence Award’ for contribution to undergraduate & postgraduate teaching; development of teaching techniques, curriculum & assessment system for Dept. of Orthopaedics, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine 
  • Recipient of ‘P Bala Award 2018’ for the best Oral Presentation at 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting, held from 1st – 3rd Nov 2018 at Grand Hyatt, Singapore, presented by a resident Dr. Barry Tan Wei Loong. Title: ‘Asymptomatic Construct Failure after Metastatic Spine Tumour Surgery: Is it a new entity or continuum to symptomatic failure?’ 
  • Recipient of ‘2nd Runner-Up’ for Oral Presentation at Singapore Spine Society 2nd Annual Meeting in Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore, 12th-13th Jan 2019, presented by a senior resident Dr. Jonathan Tan Jiong Hao. Title: ‘Salvaged Autogenic Blood Transfusion Is Safe In Metastatic Spine Tumour Surgery: Early Outcomes of Prospective Clinical Trial’.

Journals & Publications

Some of his top selected publications are as follows:

  1. ‘Paper’ Intra-Operative Neuromonitoring (IONM): Is There a Role in Metastatic Spine Tumour Surgery? Naresh Kumar, Vijayaraghavan G, Ravikumar N, Y Ding, YM Lin, RS Patel, N Naresh, Hey HWD, Lau LL, Liu KPG. SPINE.  2019 Feb;44(4):E219–E224
  2. ‘Paper’ Factors Influencing Extended Hospital Stay in Patients Undergoing Metastatic Spine Tumour Surgery and Its Impact on Survival. Naresh Kumar, R Patel, S Wang, JYH Tan, A Singla, Z Chen, N Ravikumar, A Tan, N Naresh, DHW Hey, SV Prasad, B Vellayappan. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2018;56:114-120.
  3. ‘Paper’ Annulo-nucleoplasty using Disc-FX in the management of degenerative lumbar disc pathology: How long can the effect last? Naresh Kumar, AS Zaw, Nishant Kumar, D Sonawane, D Hey, A Kumar.  Global Spine Journal. 8(4):365-373. Article first published online: October 3, 2017; Issue published: June 1, 2018
  4. ‘Paper’ Basic concepts in metal work failure after metastatic spine tumour surgery. Naresh Kumar, RS Patel, AC Wadhwa, A Kumar, HM Milavec, D Sonawane, G Singh, LM Benneker. Eur Spine J. April 2018;27(4):806–814
  5. Can there be a Place for Intraoperative Salvaged Blood in Spine Tumor Surgery? Kumar N, Chen Y, Zaw AS, Ahmed Q, Lee V, Wong HK. Ann Surg Oncol 2014; 21, 2436-2443.
  6. Can Intra-operative salvaged blood be used in metastatic spine tumour surgery?  A systematic review. Kumar N, Chen Y, Zaw AS, Nayak D, Ahmed Q, Soong R, Wong HK. Lancet Oncology. 2014; 15: e33-41.
  7. Role of Coflex as an Adjunct to Decompression for Symptomatic Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Kumar N, Ng YH, Shah SM, Panerselvam VK, Das De S, Liang S. Asian Spine Journal.2014; 8(1); 65-70.
  8. Discogenic, Axial Back Pain: Is There a Role for Nucleoplasty? Kumar N, Shah SM, Tan B, Yao KH, Ansari JS. Asian Spine Journal. 2013;7(4):314-321.
  9. ‘Invited article’ Fluoroscopy-guided Periradicular Injections in Spine. Kumar N, Tan WL Barry. Techniques in Orthopaedic. 2013 March; 28(1): 55-62
  10. Resistive Straight Leg Raise Test, Resistive Forward Bend Test and Heel Compression Test – Novel techniques in identifying secondary gain motives in low back pain cases. N Kumar, Sujith Indeewera Wijerathne, Julian Lim, Barry Tan, Chinmay Nath, Liang Shen.European Spine Journal. 2012 Nov; 21(11): 2280-6.
  11. Cervical foraminal selective nerve root block: a ‘two-needle technique’ with results. Naresh Kumar, Gowda V. European Spine Journal, 2008 April, 17: 576-584 [DOI 10.1007/s00586-008-0600-6]
  12. ‘Paper’ Functional Anatomy of deer spine and its comparison with human spine. N. Kumar, S.Kukreti, M.Ishaque, D.K.Sengupta & R.C.Mulholland. The Anatomical Record: Feb 2002:266: 1-11.
  13. ‘Technical Note’ Oblique needle technique in lumbar facet joint injection; I. Agorastides & N. Kumar. European Journal of Radiology: Dec 2001, 40(2001): 240-243
  14. 'Paper’ A new technique for the placement of the needle in the L5-S1 disc: N. Kumar, I. Agorastides. British Journal of Radiology: June 2000, 73(2000): 655-657.
  15. 'Review article' Hybrid computer guided & minimally open surgery: ALIF and translaminar screw fixation. N. Kumar, J. K. Webb, M. Aebi. 'Minimally invasive surgery supplement, European Spine Journal, Jan 2000, 9 (Supp 1): S71-S77.
  16. ‘Paper’ Anatomy of the deer spine comparative analysis with the human spine: N. Kumar, S. Kukreti, M. Ishaque, and R.C. Mulholland. The Anatomical record: Oct 2000: 260: 189-203.
He is a recipient of National Medical Research Council Grants on developing the concept of use of salvaged blood in metastatic spine tumour surgery, which was awarded in 2011. His latest grant is from the NAMIC, to study and develop a newer material and implant system for management of metastatic spine tumour surgery.

Professional Memberships

  • Member of Fracture and Tumor Expert Group (FTEG) under AOSpine International – a selected group of 8 surgeons worldwide to look at future direction for improvement in surgical implants for management of spine tumours & fractures; also encouraging technical and philosophical innovation in managing spine tumours & fractures. 
  • Member of the T3 Advisory Board for Medtronic – a group of 10 spine surgeons selected worldwide to provide future direction for implants used in managing of spine tumour, trauma & tuberculosis. 
  • Member of Knowledge Forum Tumor – World Knowledge Forum; run under the auspices of AO Spine International – Consisting of 8 steering committee members with another 8 members from all over the world; to create guidelines & to lead the direction for management of spine tumours. 
  • 50th President of Singapore Orthopaedic Association (SOA). Elected to this post of responsibility, which involved: Organising the 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting, held from 1st – 3rd Nov 2018 at Grand Hyatt, Singapore. The theme of the conference was ‘Challenges of the Ageing: Caring for Sufferer and Healer’. This conference was regarded by most, as one of the best-organised meeting in Singapore for the SOA. Involved in day-to-day operations of the organisation and represented the organisation at 15 of the regional orthopaedic association meetings in ASEAN, upholding the prestige of SOA. Represented SOA in the Ministry of Health Orthopaedic Service Re-organisation Drive. 
  • Appointed as the Chairman for the Workgroup for the Development of Guidance Material for the Assessment of Work-Related Low Back Disorders and Chronic Pain Syndrome, under the Ministry of Health (MOH), Singapore.
  • Appointed as the Programme Co-chair for the 19th International Society for the Advancement of Spinal Surgery (ISASS) 2019, to be held from Apr 3rd – 6th, 2019 at Anaheim, USA. It involved reviewing and selecting abstracts, providing a scientific programme with the help of the Programme Committee.

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