Dr Paridhi Rohit Kavishwar is currently working as a Clinical Associate at the Department of Anaesthesia, Ng Teng Fong Hospital. Dr Paridhi completed her graduation from State Health University, Rajasthan, India in 2017, during which she received a distinction in Physiology.
She acquired her Diploma in Anaesthesia from SMS Medical College and Hospital, State Health University, India in 2017. She further completed her secondary degree in Anaesthesia at Ganga Medical Center and Hospital from National Board of Education, India in 2022. During the period, she also received a commendation letter from National Board of Education for her study on "Ultrasound Guided ESP vs QL Block for Postoperative Analgesia for patients undergoing total hip replacement".
She practiced as a Registrar and then as a Junior Consultant at two different private hospitals in India. She then underwent Chronic Pain Management Fellowship for 2 months at Korea University Guro Hospital, Seoul, South Korea, which she discontinued to join NTFGH in January 2023.
Dr Paridhi is currently involved in the EMLA (Emergency Laparotomy) project, which is a multi-disciplinary Quality Improvement project at Ng Teng Fong Hospital.