Dizziness is a common symptom that can be caused by many conditions. Often, it may be related to diseases of the inner ear.
The term "dizziness" can mean different things to different people. In general, it can be subdivided into vertigo, imbalance and lightheadedness.
The presence of vertigo to the point of nausea due to the inner ear is as the likely cause of the problem. The three most common causes are of dizziness are Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, Acute Vestibulopathy and Meniere's Disease.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is caused by loose otoliths floating in the wrong place of the inner ear. It can occur spontaneously, from head trauma or from inner ear infections. Typically, patients will experience short spells of vertigo with head position change.
Acute Vestibulopathy is thought to be caused by a viral attack on the balance nerve. It occurs suddenly with severe spinning and nausea lasting from hours to days. It may take several days to resolve the dizziness.
Meniere's Disease is a inner ear problem due to a swollen endolymphatic system. It presents with tinnitus, hearing loss and vertigo together. Typically, there may have been previous attacks as the natural history is that the attacks are intermittent.
Treatment options for dizziness depend largely on the cause.
Some treatment options include:
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